• For the Public

    By applying the best practices in financial crime prevention, we contribute to a more financially secure society.

  • For Businesses

    By combining knowledge and expertise from the public and private sectors, we help businesses promptly identify financial crime threats and counteract them.

  • For Experts

    By combining public and private sector knowledge and coordinating the exchange of information between them, we provide the most up-to-date and relevant information related to money laundering prevention in a single concentrated place.

The Center of Excellence in Anti-Money Laundering

Why do we exist?

The Center was established to provide institutions, businesses, and members of the public with the most effective anti-money laundering tools possible. To do so, we combine the expertise and resources of both public and private financial organisations.

Established in 2021, The Center of Excellence in Anti-Money Laundering sets an example of how — by combining the knowledge and good practices of public and private sector experts and taking advantage of the latest international trends — we can strengthen money laundering prevention at a national level.

Currently, there are around 20 anti-money laundering centers based on public-private partnerships around the world. The Lithuanian model is unique because it is not limited to the initiative of individual institutions and market participants. We’re fighting money laundering at a national level.

What are we doing?

Our task is to help create the most effective Lithuanian financial crime prevention system and contribute to creating a positive international reputation for the country. To achieve this goal, we encourage cooperation, exchange of information, and sharing the best practices between different sectors of the economy.

Who are we?

The Center of Excellence in Anti-Money Laundering was established by the Ministry of Finance, the Bank of Lithuania, and the country's largest commercial banks. We aim to coordinate and ensure cooperation between different sectors.


To strengthen Lithuania's money laundering and terrorist financing prevention system as well as its international reputation while focusing on the importance of cooperation, education, and an advanced, transparent, and open financial system.


An innovative, progressive, and leadership-driven Center of Excellence based on public-private sector cooperation.


Cooperation is the foundation of our activities — together, we are stronger. Shared goals and mutual support determine our success.

We set ourselves the highest performance standards — we are moral and integral, and encourage cooperation based on long-term trust.

Continuous improvement is what we strive for — we are constantly learning, improving our business processes, and ready to take up new opportunities.

We are bold, open to change, and able to respond to challenges promptly.

Our strategic priorities


Effective financial fraud prevention is only possible if public and private institutions actively share their experience and knowledge. The Center of Excellence in Anti-Money Laundering ensures smooth cooperation between existing partners and aims to expand the number of partners.


An informed and educated public is an essential component of a resilient financial system. We contribute to its development by enhancing public and private sector specialists’ knowledge and competencies, and actively informing the public about financial crime trends.


Financial crime is becoming more sophisticated, and financial fraudsters are becoming increasingly skilled. Thus, innovative solutions are also needed to combat it. The Center conducts analyses and research using the most advanced technological tools and actively administers a platform for cooperation between the public and private sectors.


We actively analyse money laundering typologies, statistics, and exchange information with financial market participants, thus identifying and managing risks.

Expert support in identifying and managing risks

We can counteract financial crime threats only by working together, which is why we work actively with government and law enforcement authorities. This helps us assess potential risks more reliably and respond appropriately.

Exchange of information with market participants

Effective financial fraud prevention is only possible if public and private institutions actively share their experience and knowledge. In addition to ensuring smooth cooperation of existing partners, the Center aims to expand the number of partners.

Research, analysis, guidelines, and recommendations

Financial crime is becoming more sophisticated, and financial fraudsters are becoming increasingly skilled. Thus, innovative solutions are also needed to combat it. The Centre’s analysis and research are carried out using state-of-the-art technological tools and through the active development and management of public-private sector cooperation.

Training and events

An informed and educated public is an essential component of a resilient financial system. We contribute to its development by enhancing public and private sector specialists’ knowledge and competencies and actively informing the public about financial crime trends.

2 trillion EUR

It is estimated that around EUR 2 trillion is laundered by financial fraudsters worldwide every year.